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Gift of Food

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$36 can help supply two meals a day for a month to a homeless child in Mexico or Nicaragua.

Nicaragua childIn Mexico and Nicaragua, many children are abandoned, living akibe on the dark and dangerous streets trying to survive. Often, the police find them there weak and hungry. Wanting to help, the police bring them to the many loving homes we support, because they know they will be well cared for and easily make new friends.


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Gift of Family Gardens

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$25 can help supply 1153 meals for children and their families in Sudan. family eating leaves for dinner

This Sudan family is eating leaves for dinner because there is no food. No, I'm not kidding! They pick the leaves from the nearby trees and cook them for dinner because there is absolutely nothing else to eat.

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$30 can help supply a family of six with vegetables for a whole year.

Vegetable gardens are designed to support a family of six. supplies include seed, implements, hoses, and the training required to maintain the gardens.

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